Protect Your A\C For the Year! $74.97$63.99
Clog forming bacteria grows when A/C unit is not in use especially in the Winter! Protect it with our 3 Pack Bundle of Primer & Flush for only $63.99 that covers you for the year!
Why iFLO? Watch this 2 Minute Video
Proactive HVAC approach
Using patented technology, the iFLO® automatically dispenses a bio-enzymatic surfactant cleaning solution directly into the A/C condensate drain pan and line keeping drain lines clear year-round. The iFLO® is the only “smart” connected device of its kind on the market. iFLO® prevents clogs, backups, shutdowns, leaks, and water damage, saving you money and headaches, all while keeping A/Cs running at peak performance. Say goodbye to Zooglea, A/C shut offs and water damage and say hello to savings, year-round peace of mind and cool air!
Smart Home
iFLO® uses a custom dispensing schedule with patented technology that is specifically tailored to your maintenance needs based on your local temperature and humidity. The iFLO® app ensures you are in control of your HVAC maintenance and receive real-time alerts from your iFLO® device.
Automated A/C Maintenance
The patented iFLO® device dispenses a proprietary cleaning solution directly into your A/C drain line. It performs maintenance automatically, using a custom schedule based on the location of your home. iFLO® adapts to any changes in regional weather— such as unseasonably high temperatures or humidity to ensure your A/C performs at its peak.
Over 25,000+ Installed iFLOs
Only 11 Clogs
(We can’t be responsible for critters crawling into the pipe 😳)
Enjoy Peace of Mind. Eliminate A/C clogs that cause floods and shutdowns
Clogged drain lines are the most common cause of A/C shut offs. iFLO® prevents clogs, backups, shut offs, leaks, and water damage. Ultimately saving homeowners money and headaches, while keeping their A/C running at peak performance.
iFLO product in action breaking down Zooglea over 24 hours.
The white slime, mucus-like substance that you've seen ooze out of your drain lines is a bacteria called Zooglea also known as Elephant Snot.
It forms when germs travel through the air combining with other microscopic biological particles like dust, pollen, and pet dander. It builds up and becomes thick enough to clog your drain lines backing up your A/C and causing leaks inside your home.
Newer A/C models lack the same makeup of copper that older units once provided. Copper is known to prevent bacterial growth. With copper ions missing Zooglea is now more likely to build up and live in your A/C drain lines eventually causing them to clog or shut down.
Bacteria itself is not usually harmful but the buildup of Zooglea can pose some threats to your home-- such as clogged drain lines which lead to leaking, and water damage and promote the growth of mold in ductwork and insulation. Left unchecked and you may have a real health hazard on your hands.
Consequences of Using Bleach or Vinegar
This is what happens when you use bleach or vinegar to clean your AC drain line. It backdrops inside the air conditioner and destroys your coil.
View Patented Technology
Need help to install?
Professional installation now available in your home! Only $99!
It’s not IF you’re A/C will clog, it’s WHEN. Get iFLO® with a NO Clog Guarantee!
Corrosive bleach and acidic vinegar take years off the life of your A/C, costing you "$2,000+”.
Stop being a slave to you’re A/C by putting dangerous chemicals down every single month.
No more vacuuming out your drain line every few months!
iFLO® does all the work for you, for only 25 cents per day and installs in as little as 5 minutes.
Keep your A/C going and the cool air flowing with iFLO® !
iFLO® eliminates A/C clogs, floods, and shutdowns